Get relaxed in our hot spring water

Overlooking the 6000 m2 park with two indoor and outdoor semi-olympic, intercommunicating spa pools, aquaFitness corner, hydromassage area, and neck water massage.

The architecture of the indoor pool (depth from mt.1,20 to 2,70)
is inspired by the work of architecture Pier Luigi Nervi, with exposed concrete vault.
Our swimming pools are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.! The park and the pools offer rich and lively moments for our guests: trim track, delicious barbeques, water aerobics and water healing courses, live music, a bar, sauna, Emotional showers, Turkish Bath, and solarium.

Outdoors there is a new hydroRelax pool, a focus on pleasure and well-being in thermal water in the lush green of our park. In the hydroRelax pool you can experiment with the benefits of different hydro-massage jets thanks to two casks with crossed hydro-massage jets (energetic hydro-massage on different muscles of the body and a beneficial effect on circulation), two cervical hydro-massage beds (full-body massage of medium intensity that stimulates and oxygenates the skin), one cervical fountain (relaxing and tension-releasing effects on the cervical vertebra), and one hydro-massage bench (good activation of circulation on a lumbar level).

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AbanoRitz Spa Wellfeeling Resort Italy - Abano Terme, Padova - Via Monteortone, 19
Tel. +39 049 8633100 - Fax +39 049 667549 - Direct booking +39 049 8633444 / 5
E-mail: abanoritz@abanoritz.it - Skype address: Abanoritz
S.I.R.A. Srl - P.Iva 00333440287 - CIN: IT028001A1JP4KE5TA - CIR: 028001-ALB-00066

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