
A spacious yet cosy, bright and warm hall welcomes guests: as soon as you enter you immediately feel these sensations and therefore wellness. Outside is architecture from the 60s, warm beige and brown hues enclose elegant, large spaces furnished with valuable, antique pieces.



AbanoRitz Spa Wellfeeling Resort Italy - Abano Terme, Padova - Via Monteortone, 19
Tel. +39 049 8633100 - Fax +39 049 667549 - Direct booking +39 049 8633444 / 5
E-mail: - Skype address: Abanoritz
S.I.R.A. Srl - P.Iva 00333440287 - CIN: IT028001A1JP4KE5TA - CIR: 028001-ALB-00066

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